Friday, March 31, 2006

George's Competetion

(Mrs. Zanfino knocks on Jerry's door while Kramer, Jerry and George are inside the apartment...)

(George is quite comfortably sitting on the couch with a pillow on his lap, watching TV. Kramer is making himself dinner humming some song.)

(Jerry is at the table behind the couch, sitting, observing the two.)

Jerry(says to himself): Certainly more comfortable than me in my own house.

(Kramer opens the door)

Mrs.Zanfino: Kramer, sorry to bother you, Joey is not going to bed. I just want to scare him a little bit. Could youcome by, he really gets scared by you.

Kramer(a little proud): Ohhh.

Mrs. Zanfino: Yeah, he thinks you're Frankenstein.

Kramer: Sure Mrs. Z. I'll be there.

(Kramer goes out the door.)

Geroge: What's the story of Mrs. Z.

Jerry: She's a widow, why?

George: Nice looking widow. (thinks for a second). Yes, why not? I just got to be a little better than a dead man. You don't think I can do that?

Jerry (doubtful expression): I don't know George, dead men dont make any mistakes.

George: You're right. It's tough.

Jerry: Yeah, I hope I'm not but I think I am.

Geroge: Oh man!

Jerry: What?

George: I think I've just overcome fear of death!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Scenario#9(George's Parents)

(In the coffee shop; George appears to be somewhat dejected about something)

Jerry: What’s the matter?

George: Nothing, I broke up with Carol.

Jerry: What kind of a son are you?

George: What?

Jerry: Look at your mother and father, despite being North pole and Festivus pole whatever, they’re essentially together. I mean, if every American man and woman would follow in their footsteps, this country would be free of the divorce epidemic. They’re the best!

Geroge: They’re the worst.

Jerry: Exactly.
